
Mind-Blower of the Da- Evening

Night. Whatever.

Check this shit out. It's happening even as you shove a Cheeto into your maw.


Seriously fucking wow.

And who said Statistics sucks (apart from college students who were smart until they had to take that core class and suddenly became stupider than the stupidest piece of excrement evar)?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1) Jodi hates the cock picture? Or WTF cat? Or am I missing something?

    2) When you click the link, how come all of the side ads pertain to STD's and curing them? Just how dirty is this place?

    3) NO WAY are people dying that quickly. Nuh uh. I don't believe it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sams - Jodi explained the picture, then went on to explain our vacation.

    I'm no longer allowed in the Seattle Aquarium.

    That would also explain the STD sites that link to anything I post.

    And yeah, they are dying that fast. Just the wrong ones ...


Dance for me, my little puppets ...